Tag Archive | costume


or Karneval!  or Mardi Gras!  or Fat Tuesday!  or whatever you want to call it 🙂  Here in Germany, it’s a lot of fun for kids and adults and kind of rivals our Halloween except without the doom and gloom theme.  This year, Olivia had a Fasching party in her school and Chris had one in his Kindergarten.  Olivia wanted me to decorate the house so that Alex and I could have a party ourselves at home while they were at school, but I didn’t feel that to be really necessary.  😉 Thanks to Kristi and her “leftovers” from their move, we had about 7 cans of aerosal hair color at home which the kids had a lot of fun with.  None of their costumes required colored hair, but they colored their hair anyway!

Here are some pics:

Chris and Alex trying out hair colors

Chris and Alex with colored hair

Chris and Alex on the Bus to Kindergarten (with blue hair under helmets)

Two Knights on the Bus

Olivia as a Princess with pink hair–though most of it was gone by this time of day.

Princess Olivia